Saturday 19 March 2016


On Thursday 16th of March, 2016, students of Adabraka Cluster of Schools, witnessed the launch of a movement that will forever change their perception on leadership. A literacy project for public schools dubbed READ AID.  A team of vibrant and young men and women from Databank who have seen the impact of a reading generation decided to secure the future of our leaders. 
                Before the program started, I engaged a few of the students around me in quick portrait sessions, I asked one of them to smile and for about 20 seconds, she still stood dumb looking at me to which one of her friends shouted  ‘’Ak33 Nmorr’’ meaning He said smile. The next thing I know, she showed me a wonderful smile. My question is, well let me not ask.

                There were many of such cases, and these are schools right here in Accra, the capital city. I asked a few what they wanted to be in future, this gentleman, wants to be a policeman, I asked him why, and his response: ‘so that I can get money when I stand by the road and catch the bad peoples”. GH POLICE. Ayekoo.

                A few girls were busily playing ampe. A game that involves jumping, clapping, throwing legs, shouting and shooting your opponent.

                These young men were late for class after the bell had rung, one walked with swag whiles the other ducked to avoid being caught by their class teacher.

                Anyway, back to our main subject for today, Databank saw a need and have decided to be a solution. Is there any better way that leadership can be defined? Proud of you guys and what you are doing. I wouldn’t bother going into data analysis of what percentage can read and can’t, some teachers were not so happy about it but the most important thing is that change has come.

 This is what Read Aid is all about; volunteers and some staff from Databank will help children to read using well-structured reading programs according to their reading levels. Enjoy the following pictures and I am very sure it will speak to you more than my words can. The joy on their faces, it’s as though they have been waiting all this while for moments like these. Truly, if we cant get them reading, we might as well forget about having a future. God bless Databank.


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