Wednesday 14 May 2014

Stop Work, Produce Permit.

       It’s not  quiet uncommon to come across the bold red STOP WORK, PRODUCE PERMIT inscriptions on most construction sites in the country.  It’s a bit sad to see constructions halted for lack of necessary documentations and permits. The time wasted, money involved and level of commitment that has been attached to the building process are some of the reasons that makes it painful. Acquiring genuine permits takes long, so most people often skip the process but end up having to totally abandon their projects or pay huge sums of money to later facilitate those same projects.
     This isn’t far-fetched from what life brings our way sometimes. We often find ourselves in situations that make us want to give up, it could be that work you’ve been doing for so long that seem to produce little or no results, or perhaps that problem which seems to never have a solution, it’s just life’s way of saying STOP WORK, PRODUCE PERMIT.  We all have one challenge or the other which we will go through at a point in our life. Do we just STOP WORK and allow that which we have started to go down the drain? No, it’s rather the time to arise and remind LIFE of the PERMIT by which we are commissioned to operate. 
      The PERMIT called FAITH, that confidence and trust we have in God based on what He has promised us in His word, That PERMIT called HOPE, the knowledge that, that which we want can be had or events will turn out for the best, that PERMIT called Love, the indescribable passion that lies deep within us. 
    These are the permits by which we operate, so therefore, the next time LIFE tells you to STOP WORK, smile and just PRODUCE YOUR PERMIT and just go on with your construction. Let nothing stop you.


  1. yep yep...I'd just go fetch mine from the dusty corner I left it in the attic. Thanxxx a lot Charles!!!

  2. Karley Mettle Addo15 May 2014 at 15:47

    Really need nessages like this at this point in life...Great inspiration....thumbs up Charlees!!!
